In Before All Is Said and Done, Pat Miles encourages us to “just do something!” It is often difficult for us to focus the time and energy on seemingly difficult, not time-sensitive, or emotionally intensive subjects. The reality is that a little effort today will go a long way to ensuring your goals, legacy, and final desires are accomplished.
So, what’s the best way to get started? Connect your task to a goal and then start small to build momentum. For example, “I want to tell my kids where the safe deposit box and key are so that they know where grandma’s jewelry is.” There really is not anything else to it. Most of all, Pat Miles encourages us to not avoid these tasks and conversations because they might be uncomfortable for you or someone else. As she and many of our clients experience, it is much harder in the end to not have these conversations. Your family might be left to unravel a mess or interpret your wishes.
CCM Can Help
CCM can also play an important role here. Having a trusted advisor like CCM and introducing us to your family can add another layer of comfort and knowledge. Recently, a client graciously shared that they knew everything was financially in order after the passing of a loved one—they were grateful that their team at CCM was working behind the scenes so they did not have to worry. While they were able to grieve and honor the life of their loved one, CCM strived to remove the financial worry for them.
In the spirit of starting small to create momentum, here is a list of tasks you could potentially start with:
- Share your cell phone password with a loved one. Our phones are often the home for our digital footprint, providing access to critical accounts, such as email.
- If you utilize a password saving application, authorize a trusted contact to access your account in the event you are unable to.
- Locate your key estate plan documents and tell your personal representative where they are located. By the way, does your personal representative know they are your personal representative?
- Do you have a safe deposit box? What is in it, and where is it and the key located?
- Does your family know who your trusted advisors are? Consider making a list and include with your estate plan documents.
- Have you shared how to access your home if you are not able to?
Once you tackle some of the of the items above, hopefully you will find some momentum. You might even find the time to start organizing your personal property (jewelry, photos, collectibles, etc.) and creating a list of who you would like to receive those items upon your passing. Believe it or not, mom’s casserole dish creates more family drama than you might imagine.
Before all is said and done, just do something!
NOTE: The information provided in this article is intended for clients of Carlson Capital Management. We recommend that individuals consult with a professional adviser familiar with their particular situation for advice concerning specific investment, accounting, tax, and legal matters before taking any action.