Integrated Wealth Management
At Carlson Capital Management, we believe effective estate planning saves taxes, cares for your family, and unlocks opportunities.
Estate planning provides for the efficient transfer of property in a manner consistent with your wishes. At CCM, our estate planning strategies focus on accomplishing family and/or charitable objectives, minimizing income and estate taxes, avoiding unnecessary property transfer costs and delays, and preserving wealth for you and your beneficiaries.
Estate planning requires you to consider your own mortality—a topic many of us are reluctant to think about. At CCM, we recognize this and strive to make the process a positive and educational experience. Solidifying your estate plans now should give you the peace of mind that your wealth will pass to your intended beneficiaries without unnecessary delay—and in a tax-efficient manner. It will also benefit your heirs by relieving them of burdensome decisions and administrative tasks during a difficult time.
At CCM, each aspect of the estate is reviewed and examined in light of the conclusions we have drawn in the investment, tax, and philanthropic components of the financial plan. To us, estate planning is not an isolated event that occurs because someone told you that you need a will. Estate planning is the culmination of how you intend to pass along your wealth. If it is not a well-documented and well-executed plan, your desires will not be carried out.
Determining how you want your wealth to be distributed within these four categories provides the foundation of a well-designed estate plan. Once you articulate your desires, we develop a custom plan to make it happen in the most effective and efficient manner.
Spend your money.
Pass your wealth onto heirs in form of an inheritance.
Gift your wealth to charities and causes you’re passionate about.
Pay taxes (federal, state, excise, gift tax, etc.).
It is an honor to implement wealth strategies that give our clients peace of mind and secure their legacy for generations.
Janelle Schrupp, J.D.
Director of Estate Planning