Fiduciary Standards

Integrity. Trust. Care.

We have provided wealth management to clients under a fiduciary standard of care for many years, holding ourselves to a superior level of service. As fiduciary financial advisors, we are steadfastly committed to acting in the best interest of our clients.

Fiduciary Financial Advisors

Clients and their best interests come first. That is the standard to which we hold ourselves as fiduciary financial advisors. In the words of one of our colleagues, “It’s not just what we do but it’s who we are.”   

CEFEX Certification


Our firm has been recognized by the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX) among the first of investment advisors globally to complete the CEFEX independent certification process, which we have maintained for 17 years running. Relationships built upon trust have always been a critical core value at CCM, and we are honored to be recognized as a CEFEX Certified Advisor, validating our adherence to a global fiduciary standard of excellence.

Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Designation

Accredited Investment Fiduciary

In addition to firm-level certification through the Center for Fiduciary Excellence, CEO Justin Stets, Senior Integrated Wealth Advisor and Director of Operational Excellence Jason Kley, Chief Investment Officer Adam Hoffmann and Director of Retirement Plan Services Cami Peterson have earned the individual designation of Accredited Investment Fiduciary® from fi360. The AIF designation represents a thorough knowledge of and ability to apply fiduciary practices.

Thought Leadership

What the Fiduciary Rule and Telling the Truth Have in Common—And Why Both Are So Freeing

In this article, hear from Founder Greg Carlson about what the fiduciary standard means for CCM clients and colleagues.

Compliance Information

View important compliance information and details about how we demonstrate our fiduciary responsibilities:

chairs overlooking lake

Insights See all

Marking Our Seventeenth Year of Fiduciary Excellence 

November 11, 2024

The Centre for Fiduciary Excellence has renewed CCM’s certification for the 17th straight year. CEFEX certification demonstrates our commitment to the highest fiduciary standard.

CCM Receives CEFEX Certification for the Sixteenth Year

October 18, 2023

CEFEX, the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence, has renewed the certification of Carlson Capital Management.

What the Fiduciary Rule and Telling the Truth Have In Common—And Why Both Are So Freeing

June 16, 2023

CCM’s take on the new fiduciary rules being discussed and why acting in a client’s best interest has always been one of our core values.

CEFEX Renews CCM Certification for Fiduciary Excellence

January 10, 2019

Carlson Capital Management has received notification of renewal as a Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX) certified Investment Advisor.


Get in Touch

Start a conversation or learn more about how we operate with a fiduciary standard of care by requesting a conversation today!