Market Conditions
Articles and resources related to Market Conditions.
What to Focus on During Periods of Volatility
March 16, 2023
It's important to remember what matters and what you can control. Your CCM advisor is here to help.
Managing Through Current Events and Related Volatility
May 23, 2022
Three things to keep in mind in the midst of stock market volatility.
All-Time Highs: What the Past Can Tell Us About the Future (VIDEO)
September 23, 2021
Context for 2021 market performance and how investors can best influence performance.
Let’s Talk About Inflation
July 22, 2021
Inflation is a hot topic in today's headlines. Here's our view on what matters most.
One Year Ago Today
March 23, 2021
Our job as integrated wealth advisors is to understand how this market rally impacts each client's financial plan and wealth goals, and to account for the reality that returns moving forward will likely be far less exciting than the previous 12 months.
Lessons (Re)Learned
January 15, 2021
Here are five investment lessons that we learned, once again, in 2020.
Don't Call it a Comeback
December 2, 2020
While small value stocks have struggled in recent years, a longer perspective reveals that small value stocks have been outperforming quite regularly throughout market history.
Conversations With CCM: Déjà Vu—2020 or 1999?
September 18, 2020
A deeper look at comments made by Warren Buffett that underscore the importance of value investing.
A Tale of Two Quarters … and the 160 Prior
July 24, 2020
2020’s second-quarter rise in equity market performance was as dramatic as the previous quarter’s decline.
The Adverse Effect of News Headlines (VIDEO)
May 7, 2020
Absorbing daily news headlines can adversely effect an investor’s perspective on their portfolio—drawing them into making connections that may not be in their best interests long term.
A Rollercoaster of Change
April 24, 2020
With volatility in financial markets and the global economy, it's important to focus on the big picture.
Market Valuations—A Historical Perspective
March 20, 2020
A look at where market valuations sit and what they mean for disciplined long-term investors.
Mosquitoes and BBQs: Minnesota Twins and Equity Market Highs
July 19, 2019
Data shows that markets reward investors for remaining invested, regardless of where they start.
The Evidence-based Value of Owning a Globally Diversified Portfolio
January 25, 2019
Putting aside the “noise” that can distract investors, the evidence is conclusive—it is very, very difficult to choose individual securities or investment vehicles that beat a diversified portfolio’s return. Especially in times of volatility there can be an emotional desire to “do something” even when it is not supported by evidence and is certainly not in one’s best interest.
In Like a Lamb, Out Like a Lion
April 23, 2018
For investors deciding stock market exposure is appropriate, a disciplined approach with a long-term view is a more prudent course of action than reacting to new market highs.
Markets Have Rewarded Discipline
March 8, 2018
A disciplined investor looks beyond the concerns of today to the long-term growth potential of markets.
Play-Doh, Palm-Reading, and Predictions: How Clear Is the Future in the Markets?
January 16, 2018
Even though we all know that it’s impossible to see the future, it’s hard not to want to believe an exception may exist and get drawn into the dream.
Sticking With Your Investment Approach in the Tough Times
November 2, 2017
Market volatility is a part of investing. To enjoy the benefit of higher potential returns, investors must be willing to accept increased uncertainty.
Measuring All of the Factors That Make Up a Year
January 13, 2017
It’s with reflecting on the events over the past year and the experiences investors had, both positive and negative, that we are able to celebrate the results.